Police [Alcester Station]
Due to a change in the shift patterns for operational demand by Warwickshire Police we are no longer able to hold our surgeries every week. Please see below PDF file for our opening dates.
Alcester Police Office Phone Number - 01789 444816 (not to be used for emergencies or priority calls. Always report incidents on 101). Online reporting services are also available on our website - https://www.warwickshire.police.uk/
For more contact details click on this link
When to call 101
You can now call 101 to report a crime that has already happened, seek crime prevention advice or make us aware of any policing issues in your local area.
For example:
• if your car, bicycle or mobile phone has been stolen
• if your garden shed has been broken into
• if your property has been damaged
• if you suspect drug use or dealing in your area
• if you want to report a minor traffic collision
• if you want to give the police information about crime in your area
Always call 999 in an emergency
What is an emergency?
• When you need an immediate response because a crime is in progress;
• If someone suspected of a crime is nearby;
• When there is danger to life; or
• When violence is being used or threatened.
Please contact PC Andy King if you want to get in touch or have any questions etc and he will be happy to answer or pop out for farm visits etc. He deals with quite specific strands in his general line of business, which includes wildlife crime, plant theft, livestock offences and crimes or attempts on farms etc.
PC Andy King Rural Crime Team - [email protected]